
Welcome to ReaperDoc - a tool to convert Reaper project files into a readable printable format.  Template files are used to determine how to format the output file.

And here is a Screen Shot of the applicationYou can discuss the development of this program in The Forums.

NOTE:  If you are viewing this page from within ReaperDoc, please visit for the latest information.


March 8, 2012 Wow - almost 5 years since my last update. I haven't used Reaper for a few years and don't even have the Visual Basic compiler to build any new version. So, I am releasing the source code to anyone who might find it useful. I have no idea if it will work with the current Reaper file formats. You can download the VB source here: Reaper Source Code.

April 18, 2007 - The latest version is 1.0.5, which includes support for Groups.  See ##IF##, ##ELSE## and ##END-IF## tags.

Also fixed incorrect display of Sends.

Download the Latest Version.

Using ReaperDoc

It's pretty easy to use ReaperDoc:

  • Select the File -> Convert... menu item
  • Select three files in the dialog box:
    • Select a Reaper project file to open
    • Select an output HTML file name
    • Select a template to use.  This will be pre-filled with the default template
  • Click the OK button
  • ReaperDoc will write to the HTML file you selected using the current template file (see Templates section for more info)
  • The HTML file will open in the program's browser window.
  • If you want, you can use the File -> Print menu item to print the document

The following examples show some of the templates and sample output files generated by ReaperDoc:

Template Output File
Default_Template Default_Template_Out.htm
List Template List_Template_Out.htm
More Details Template More_Details_Template_Out.htm
CSV_Excel_Template for exporting to
Excel tab delimited format



ReaperDoc uses a file called a Template to determine the format of the output file.  A template is simply a formatted file (usually HTML) with some special keywords embedded within it.  When converting a project file, the keywords will be replaced with data from the project file.

Keywords all start and end with double pound characters (##) .  The current list of keywords are:

Project Level Info
##FILE-NAME## The name of the Reaper project file
##VERSION## Reaper format version number
##TEMPO## Song tempo
##SAMPLE-RATE## Sample Rate
##NOTES## Project notes / comments

Track Level Info
##TRACK-NUM## Track Number
##TRACK-NAME## Track Name
##VOLUME## Track Volume
##PAN## Track Pan
##MUTE## Track Muted.  "Mute" if muted, otherwise blank
##SOLO## Track Solo.  "Solo" if track solo is on, otherwise blank
##FX-LIST## Simple list of effects - no special group tags needed
##ITEM-LIST## Simple list of items - no special group tags needed
##SEND-LIST## Simple list of sends - no special group tags needed
##RCV-LIST## Simple list of receives - no special group tags needed

Effects Level Info
##FX-NUM## Effects sequence number
##FX-NAME## Effects name
##FX-TYPE## Effects type (ie VST, DX, etc)
##FX-DLL## Effects DLL (used for VSTs)
##FX-ACTIVE## Effects Active? ("Active" if active, otherwise blank)

Send Info
##SEND-NUM## Send sequence number
##SEND-TRACK-NUM## Send To track number
##SEND-TRACK-NAME## Send To track name
##SEND-MUTE## Send To Muted.  "MUTE" if muted, otherwise blank
##SEND-VOLUME## Send To Volume
##SEND-PAN## Send To Pan

Receive Info
##RCV-NUM## Receive From sequence number
##RCV-TRACK-NUM## Receive From track number
##RCV-TRACK-NAME## Receive From track name
##RCV-MUTE## Send To Muted.  "MUTE" if muted, otherwise blank
##RCV-VOLUME## Send To Volume
##RCV-PAN## Send To Pan

Item Level Info
##ITEM-NUM## Item sequence number
##ITEM-NAME## Item Name (sound file name)
##ITEM-POS## Item Position
##ITEM-LEN## Item Length
##ITEM-GROUP## Item Group Number
##ITEM-MUTE## Item Muted.  "MUTE" if muted, otherwise blank
##ITEM-VOLUME## Item Volume
##ITEM-PAN## Item Pan

If / Then / Else
<#IF Beginning of If Then Else structure.  ##IF must be followed by one of the following:
  • -IN-GROUP - If track is inside a group
  • -IS-GROUP - if this track is the group header
  • -IS-MUTED - if track is muted

The keyword is followed by user defined tags or text which will only be output if the condition is met.

Note that there cannot be a space between the ##IF and the condition. For example, "<#IF-IN-GROUP" is valid but "<#IF -IN-GROUP" is not.

##ELSE Tags or text following the ##ELSE statement will be output if the condition is NOT met
##END-IF#> Ends the If Then Else structure

Other Info
##TEMPLATE-NAME## The name of the template used for the conversion
##OUTPUT-NAME## The name of the HTML output file
##DATE## Current date - uses format selected in Preferences
##TIME## Current time - uses format selected in Preferences

If Then Else Example

The If Then Else structure is a little more complicated than the other tags, but is useful for only outputting certain tags or text if a particular condition is met.  For example:


In the above example, the blue font will be used if the track is within a group, otherwise it will use a black font.  See the "list_template" template file to see how the If Then Else structure is used.

Special Tags

Templates may also contain special HTML tags.  These tags handle repeating groups of data, like multiple effects per track and multiple tracks per project.

<!-- TRACK_START --> Marks the beginning of the track info
<!-- TRACK_END --> Marks the end of the track info
<!-- FX_START --> Marks the beginning of the effects info
<!-- FX_END --> Marks the end of the effects info
<!-- ITEM_START --> Marks the beginning of the item info
<!-- ITEM_END --> Marks the end of the item info
<!-- SEND_START --> Marks the beginning of the item info
<!-- SEND_END --> Marks the end of the item info
<!-- RECEIVE_START --> Marks the beginning of the item info
<!-- RECEIVE_END --> Marks the end of the item info

With the track start and end tags, you tell ReaperDoc what HTML to use for every track.  So the template defines the track format once, but ReaperDoc will duplicate that track format for every track in the project.

The effects block is marked with the FX start and end tags, and both tags should be within the track tags.

The best way to see how this is used is to look at the default_template.html file.